Happy good day of training
Hello princess, I'm really happy with myself I have done an excellent day of training such as Gaul wanted me very happy that.
Well today I made a bike 5km towards the running track (round trip) .. I gave 10vueltas trotting track and a return walk (this last does not count, was not trotting but equal) total 4kilometros trot. I feel great, but now a little sore and tired, when he had 8vueltas could not go, I felt really bad nose where that strength to go inside said "I can let q" "Do not be a fat" "Let me I can "self-motivated me" "I'm fat lazy uan" etc.
I've also done after jogging 400 series of 200 crunches, 3 sets of 15 pushups and 25 lats. I trained
1 hour and a half, has done all sweat the most, was the only person trained on a Saturday so late, after my bike wanted to go jogging make my trip more 12kilometros classic but the legs and gave me no more ... Best
now come home after she ate nothing, just a bottle of water and a Light yogurt, and rice lunch with a chicken breast. Day
very healthy, I'm going to sleep and makes some abdominal.
Tomorrow hopefully not wake up very sore from so much exercise, intends to go biking around 12kilometros more about exercise more: abs, pushups.
really feels great to train well and lose weight healthily.
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