Friday, June 19, 2009
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Specialized Stumpjumper Pro Carbon 2010
Novena to the Sacred Heart. Day 9
chained to a heart wounded by love unrequited ,
of deep passions divine power dunks
in reds, pulsing of forgiveness. Love
I can not pay my song;
waste of tenderness, my God wounded
with crown of thorns, bread broken and shared, redeeming cross
pregnant in salvation.
That I'm happy for your everlasting mercy!
That hurts me for having offended you!
Let me bleed to love your heart!
That unnerved me to feel your thorns!
What I hope with your resurrection! ...
and I'm like you, too wounded.
June 18, 2009
chained to a heart wounded by love unrequited ,
of deep passions divine power dunks
in reds, pulsing of forgiveness. Love
I can not pay my song;
waste of tenderness, my God wounded
with crown of thorns, bread broken and shared, redeeming cross
pregnant in salvation.
That I'm happy for your everlasting mercy!
That hurts me for having offended you!
Let me bleed to love your heart!
That unnerved me to feel your thorns!
What I hope with your resurrection! ...
and I'm like you, too wounded.
ZLK / Poem to S. Heart, June 18, 2004
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Skateboard Roller Trucks
Novena to the Sacred Heart. Day 8
But that was launched in the opposite direction and in the light of Sacred Scripture and the writings and lives of Saints, symbolizes love the subtleties of those souls who have somehow violated the Heart of Jesus, says the wife of Solomon: "Vulnerasti cor meum, soror mea, sponsa", "You hurt my heart, my wife and sister , you hurt my heart with one of your eyes, with one of your hair "(4.9). Therefore, every act of love wounds gently into the Heart of Jesus as an act of love sweet loving hurts the beloved. When God shows his love, his delicacy, it hurts us, but that hurt, rather than cause pain, as in the case of enemies, produce a great delight. They are wounds of love are love darts are darts of love! St. Teresa's why, when you explain what love is, compared to an arrow, a dart. She had the experience in the convent of the Incarnation, an angel appeared to him and stuck him with a dart, an arrow on in the love of Christ which pierced his heart, in the midst of a mystical ecstasy, producing an ineffable delight . Another scene
endearing and very purpose of what we saying, is what John tells us in his Gospel (13:23), when it rests its head on the Heart of Jesus at the Last Supper on Holy Thursday. This passage has been commented on, in one way or another, virtually all mystics, which have been symbolized in the whole Gospel, the apex of the Christian life: the soul's spiritual marriage with Jesus Christ. And now we say spiritual marriage, remember how the love between man and woman is symbolized by the two hearts or a heart pierced by the names of lovers. And Jesus wanted to also have heart, like us, and that heart is pierced by the lance of the soldier on Good Friday at Calvary, precisely so that we go through that wound in him and discover the hidden treasures of His love, and we are drunk with the blood and water flowing from his side. There have even been
saints that had the mystical experience of Jesus himself will present his own heart and have felt impressed to take, to wet the lips in the blood of his side. Certainly mystical phenomena, but they show a profound reality, which is the fusion of the loving heart of Jesus in them.
June 17, 2009
But that was launched in the opposite direction and in the light of Sacred Scripture and the writings and lives of Saints, symbolizes love the subtleties of those souls who have somehow violated the Heart of Jesus, says the wife of Solomon: "Vulnerasti cor meum, soror mea, sponsa", "You hurt my heart, my wife and sister , you hurt my heart with one of your eyes, with one of your hair "(4.9). Therefore, every act of love wounds gently into the Heart of Jesus as an act of love sweet loving hurts the beloved. When God shows his love, his delicacy, it hurts us, but that hurt, rather than cause pain, as in the case of enemies, produce a great delight. They are wounds of love are love darts are darts of love! St. Teresa's why, when you explain what love is, compared to an arrow, a dart. She had the experience in the convent of the Incarnation, an angel appeared to him and stuck him with a dart, an arrow on in the love of Christ which pierced his heart, in the midst of a mystical ecstasy, producing an ineffable delight . Another scene
endearing and very purpose of what we saying, is what John tells us in his Gospel (13:23), when it rests its head on the Heart of Jesus at the Last Supper on Holy Thursday. This passage has been commented on, in one way or another, virtually all mystics, which have been symbolized in the whole Gospel, the apex of the Christian life: the soul's spiritual marriage with Jesus Christ. And now we say spiritual marriage, remember how the love between man and woman is symbolized by the two hearts or a heart pierced by the names of lovers. And Jesus wanted to also have heart, like us, and that heart is pierced by the lance of the soldier on Good Friday at Calvary, precisely so that we go through that wound in him and discover the hidden treasures of His love, and we are drunk with the blood and water flowing from his side. There have even been
saints that had the mystical experience of Jesus himself will present his own heart and have felt impressed to take, to wet the lips in the blood of his side. Certainly mystical phenomena, but they show a profound reality, which is the fusion of the loving heart of Jesus in them.
Monday, June 15, 2009
Metropolitan Life Bmi Calculation
Novena to the Sacred Heart. Day 7
June 16, 2009
Heart of Jesus in the mystical experience of the saints:
In this third part would have to include a gallery of great saints, which is logically impossible. Recall, for starters, to St. Margaret Mary Alacoque, who was the confidante of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, also Saint Teresa of Avila, St. John of the Cross, St. Ignatius of Loyola, St. Bernard, St. Bonaventure, St. Gertrude, St. Catherine Siena, St. Francis of Assisi, and many other saints who have distinguished themselves by this devotion. Among those closest to us can remember one of the greatest promoters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus cited even by Pope Pius XII, who was the Father Mateo Crawley-Boevey, and Monsignor Manuel González, the bishop of abandoned tabernacles. " All these, among many others, have found in the Heart of Jesus delights. This is what we say in the last of the Litany: "Cor Jesu, deliciae sanctorum omnium," "Heart of Jesus, delight of all saints." They have come to drink from the inexhaustible source, and penetrating her from the side wound of Christ made her sweetness and treasure.
pause for a moment on that wound in his side which symbolizes, first of all, Jesus' invitation to enter into their lives, which is proper to the contemplative life. The beautiful wound repair also symbolizes that we also love. This is an essential note of devotion to the Sacred Heart. A heart pierced, wounded by his enemies, "Victim of sinners" (victim of sinners and sins) requires compensation claims many holy souls have offered their sufferings, their illnesses, their dryness, humiliations, all crosses, for console and make reparation to the Heart of Jesus, in the absence of love of many men. So you love, love for the offenses against the human being who loves, wants to claim, "avenge" holy speaking, the sins of men. This fix is \u200b\u200bfound expressed in this prayer that St. Francis of Assisi says the Lord, "where there is hatred, let me sow love, etc. ...". So if the launch is symbolic of sin and all that we have suffered to the Heart of Jesus, our love for Him must be repaired.
In this third part would have to include a gallery of great saints, which is logically impossible. Recall, for starters, to St. Margaret Mary Alacoque, who was the confidante of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, also Saint Teresa of Avila, St. John of the Cross, St. Ignatius of Loyola, St. Bernard, St. Bonaventure, St. Gertrude, St. Catherine Siena, St. Francis of Assisi, and many other saints who have distinguished themselves by this devotion. Among those closest to us can remember one of the greatest promoters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus cited even by Pope Pius XII, who was the Father Mateo Crawley-Boevey, and Monsignor Manuel González, the bishop of abandoned tabernacles. " All these, among many others, have found in the Heart of Jesus delights. This is what we say in the last of the Litany: "Cor Jesu, deliciae sanctorum omnium," "Heart of Jesus, delight of all saints." They have come to drink from the inexhaustible source, and penetrating her from the side wound of Christ made her sweetness and treasure.
pause for a moment on that wound in his side which symbolizes, first of all, Jesus' invitation to enter into their lives, which is proper to the contemplative life. The beautiful wound repair also symbolizes that we also love. This is an essential note of devotion to the Sacred Heart. A heart pierced, wounded by his enemies, "Victim of sinners" (victim of sinners and sins) requires compensation claims many holy souls have offered their sufferings, their illnesses, their dryness, humiliations, all crosses, for console and make reparation to the Heart of Jesus, in the absence of love of many men. So you love, love for the offenses against the human being who loves, wants to claim, "avenge" holy speaking, the sins of men. This fix is \u200b\u200bfound expressed in this prayer that St. Francis of Assisi says the Lord, "where there is hatred, let me sow love, etc. ...". So if the launch is symbolic of sin and all that we have suffered to the Heart of Jesus, our love for Him must be repaired.
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Baseball Country Songs
Novena to the Sacred Heart. Day 6
June 15, 2009
Here, in summary, the three fundamental aspects of the theology of the Sacred Heart. In fact, the symbolism of Love brings together the other two, the exemplary and pain. This is because the love of Jesus come together three realities or dimensions, reduced to unity by virtue of the hypostatic union: Love divine Word itself, the Second Person of the Trinity, and loves (spiritual and sensitive) characteristic of the humanity of Christ Hence the perfect harmony that lies at the heart of Jesus, is like a knot, so to speak, where converge the infinite love of God and human love of man, who represents Christ as the Head of Mystical Body.
So in the Heart of Jesus we have the epitome of the whole universe, the recapitulation of all things divine dimension strictly speaking, as is said, and the human dimension, in both its spiritual and sensitive. All the material world is represented, recapitulated, symbolized in the tender love of Christ. All the spiritual world of souls, minds and angels is symbolized, unified in the soul of Christ. And the eternal Love of God in the same Word, the Son.
For all that we have considered so far, we can say with Pope Pius XII that devotion to the Sacred Heart devotion is no more, but "substantial Devotion" (cf. Encyclical Haurietis aquas). This is because it is the same love of the Incarnate Word, symbolized in his heart, which represents the Divine person and divine-human nature of Jesus Christ.
In the Heart of Jesus is contained all the economy of salvation. Sanctifying grace springs from the Sacred Heart, as well as the sacraments, all of which is symbolized by the drops of blood and water that flowed from the open side of the Redeemer. It is St. John the Apostle, the lover of the Sacred Heart, who notes that after the soldier pierced the side of Jesus on the cross, "instantly came out blood and water" (Jn 19:34).
These drops of blood and water are both a symbol of the Church, the mystical bride, who as a second Eve, born from the wounded side of Adam, stayed on the cross (cf. Catechism of the Catholic Church, 766).
So in the Heart of Jesus we have the epitome of the whole universe, the recapitulation of all things divine dimension strictly speaking, as is said, and the human dimension, in both its spiritual and sensitive. All the material world is represented, recapitulated, symbolized in the tender love of Christ. All the spiritual world of souls, minds and angels is symbolized, unified in the soul of Christ. And the eternal Love of God in the same Word, the Son.
For all that we have considered so far, we can say with Pope Pius XII that devotion to the Sacred Heart devotion is no more, but "substantial Devotion" (cf. Encyclical Haurietis aquas). This is because it is the same love of the Incarnate Word, symbolized in his heart, which represents the Divine person and divine-human nature of Jesus Christ.
In the Heart of Jesus is contained all the economy of salvation. Sanctifying grace springs from the Sacred Heart, as well as the sacraments, all of which is symbolized by the drops of blood and water that flowed from the open side of the Redeemer. It is St. John the Apostle, the lover of the Sacred Heart, who notes that after the soldier pierced the side of Jesus on the cross, "instantly came out blood and water" (Jn 19:34).
These drops of blood and water are both a symbol of the Church, the mystical bride, who as a second Eve, born from the wounded side of Adam, stayed on the cross (cf. Catechism of the Catholic Church, 766).
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Chewing Gum With An Upset Stomach
Novena to the Sacred Heart. Day 5
June 14, 2009
Let us now simply and in a schematic way, the symbolism that encloses the heart of our beloved and beautiful King:
* exemplary model. Returning to the teachings of St. Paul, who told us that the Father's plan is to "make all things in Christ as its head, which is in heaven and things on earth" (Eph 1.10). In this way, the Heart of Jesus is presented as the exemplary model the whole work of Creation, of Redemption and Glorification. Everything is concentrated in the Heart of Jesus, everything flows ultimately Heart of Jesus. This is what we read in the Letter to the Colossians: "He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation, for in him were created all things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible .. . all things were created through Him and to Him is before everything, and everything having its consistency. He is also Head of the Body, the Church is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, that is the first in everything, because God was pleased to dwell in the whole fullness, and through him to reconcile to himself all things, making peace through the blood of his cross, which is on earth and in heaven "(Col 1.14 to 20). When we say "Heart of Jesus, substantially united to the Word of God we speak of a substantial union of what we call the hypostatic union, as we have seen. And all this leads us to believe that in Jesus Christ we have the synthesis of God and man, symbolized harmony in the Heart of Jesus (Body, Soul and Divinity), and consequently, the synthesis of all things in heaven and earth .
* Secondly, the Heart of Jesus is a symbol of God's love. In the Letter to the Romans, the Apostle exclaims: "Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword? But in all these things we overcome by Him who loved us. Because I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature can separate us from God's Love in Christ Jesus our Lord "(8.35. 37-39). That love of God revealed in Christ, is concretely manifested in the divine-human heart, human-divine, His Heart of flesh, which lives as a living shrine, the fullness of the love of God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
* The third symbol is that of pain. Earlier we said that the Heart of Christ is the sum of all the mysteries of our Redemption. And redemption is to say that suffering, sacrifice, death, passion, pain. This is what is in this litany that reads "Cor Iesu, lancea perforatum, is pierced by a spear. And the pierced side flowed blood, which is telling us that there is no death, no pain, no suffering, because it is the mystery of a love rejected by men, which leads to the madness of death on the cross.
* exemplary model. Returning to the teachings of St. Paul, who told us that the Father's plan is to "make all things in Christ as its head, which is in heaven and things on earth" (Eph 1.10). In this way, the Heart of Jesus is presented as the exemplary model the whole work of Creation, of Redemption and Glorification. Everything is concentrated in the Heart of Jesus, everything flows ultimately Heart of Jesus. This is what we read in the Letter to the Colossians: "He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation, for in him were created all things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible .. . all things were created through Him and to Him is before everything, and everything having its consistency. He is also Head of the Body, the Church is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, that is the first in everything, because God was pleased to dwell in the whole fullness, and through him to reconcile to himself all things, making peace through the blood of his cross, which is on earth and in heaven "(Col 1.14 to 20). When we say "Heart of Jesus, substantially united to the Word of God we speak of a substantial union of what we call the hypostatic union, as we have seen. And all this leads us to believe that in Jesus Christ we have the synthesis of God and man, symbolized harmony in the Heart of Jesus (Body, Soul and Divinity), and consequently, the synthesis of all things in heaven and earth .
* Secondly, the Heart of Jesus is a symbol of God's love. In the Letter to the Romans, the Apostle exclaims: "Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword? But in all these things we overcome by Him who loved us. Because I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature can separate us from God's Love in Christ Jesus our Lord "(8.35. 37-39). That love of God revealed in Christ, is concretely manifested in the divine-human heart, human-divine, His Heart of flesh, which lives as a living shrine, the fullness of the love of God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
* The third symbol is that of pain. Earlier we said that the Heart of Christ is the sum of all the mysteries of our Redemption. And redemption is to say that suffering, sacrifice, death, passion, pain. This is what is in this litany that reads "Cor Iesu, lancea perforatum, is pierced by a spear. And the pierced side flowed blood, which is telling us that there is no death, no pain, no suffering, because it is the mystery of a love rejected by men, which leads to the madness of death on the cross.
Friday, June 12, 2009
How To Meet Gay Men In Nj
Novena to the Sacred Heart. Day 4
June 13, 2009
The Theology:
The Theology of the Heart of Jesus have to frame it within Christology (dogmatic treatise on Jesus Christ, the Incarnate Word) and, within this treaty We have to stop in the holy humanity of Christ, distinguishing it, but never separate from his divinity.
The Humanity of Christ to be united hypostatically the Word of God (the Second Person of the Trinity) deserves, demands of us a worship of latria, because it is a body and a soul, or body-animated of a person, not a human but divine, infinite: the eternal Word of God. Then the adorable humanity of Jesus is under the Divine. St. Paul says that "in Christ dwelleth all the fullness of the Godhead bodily", "In quo habitat omnis divinitatis plenitudo Corporalita" (Col 2.9). This beautiful text is picked up the Litany of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Therefore, to love what Theology teaches us about the Heart of Jesus be enough to study and meditate, one by one, these litanies, each more hermosa1.
Pope Pius XII, in a phrase that is a whole world, says that "the Heart of Jesus is as the sum of the whole mystery of our Redemption." He also claims that "in the devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus contains the essence of all religion" (Encyclical Haurietis aquas). It is the synthesis of the history of Revelation, the entire Plan of God.
already know that the words of St. Paul: "unite all things in Christ" (Eph 1.10). Well, the symbol of this summary is just the Heart of Jesus. So the Church has established a liturgical feast in honor of the Heart, whose worship and devotion have been growing to this day, despite the desecration, of rationalism, evolutionism, and other negative factors of the historical moment in which we live.
The Theology of the Heart of Jesus have to frame it within Christology (dogmatic treatise on Jesus Christ, the Incarnate Word) and, within this treaty We have to stop in the holy humanity of Christ, distinguishing it, but never separate from his divinity.
The Humanity of Christ to be united hypostatically the Word of God (the Second Person of the Trinity) deserves, demands of us a worship of latria, because it is a body and a soul, or body-animated of a person, not a human but divine, infinite: the eternal Word of God. Then the adorable humanity of Jesus is under the Divine. St. Paul says that "in Christ dwelleth all the fullness of the Godhead bodily", "In quo habitat omnis divinitatis plenitudo Corporalita" (Col 2.9). This beautiful text is picked up the Litany of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Therefore, to love what Theology teaches us about the Heart of Jesus be enough to study and meditate, one by one, these litanies, each more hermosa1.
Pope Pius XII, in a phrase that is a whole world, says that "the Heart of Jesus is as the sum of the whole mystery of our Redemption." He also claims that "in the devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus contains the essence of all religion" (Encyclical Haurietis aquas). It is the synthesis of the history of Revelation, the entire Plan of God.
already know that the words of St. Paul: "unite all things in Christ" (Eph 1.10). Well, the symbol of this summary is just the Heart of Jesus. So the Church has established a liturgical feast in honor of the Heart, whose worship and devotion have been growing to this day, despite the desecration, of rationalism, evolutionism, and other negative factors of the historical moment in which we live.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Poptropica Cheats For The Tablet Of The Gods
Novena to the Sacred Heart. Day 3
June 12, 2009
In the Bible the word "heart" has multiple meanings. Not only refers to the affective and sensitive, if not sentimental, but also refers to the cognitive aspect, including the share of free will. There are many aspects we could mention: the heart is knowledge, love, freedom, courage, strength, tenacity, etc. So there are words composed of the Latin root "cor, cordis, heart. Remember, for example, that is typical of memory, and yet remember is to 're-cut', ie passing through the heart. The heart and center of all man's psychic life: intellectual, volitional and emotional.
Agree, agree, and similar expressions have the same root "cor" heart. French is a common expression to say that memory you know one thing: "Il sait par coeur him." Know something "par coeur" by heart, in French to say "I know by heart," it is well treated, well understood.
In Deuteronomy we find the famous text known as beautiful and says: "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your power, and bear deep in the heart all these commandments which I give you today. " (Cf. 6.5 to 6). All this is, soul, mind, strength, heart, intelligence, are synonymous, are concepts really repetitive to say the same thing. In short, in Scripture the word 'heart' means a whole person, whole person, the human being (cf. Catechism of the Catholic Church, 368). Rarely refers only to the human heart, because it makes no sense a heart of flesh alone. More specifically "heart" means the person's inner life, precisely because the heart is inside, the heart beats express their own feelings of this or that person. And still more concrete, if possible, especially the heart symbolizes love. Hence, then, that the Person of Jesus, ie, the Heart of Jesus, the inner life of Jesus, his love is supremely say "Heart of Jesus' words:" Love "of Jesus, God (as God) and human (and male), according to the two natures in the unity of Person.
Agree, agree, and similar expressions have the same root "cor" heart. French is a common expression to say that memory you know one thing: "Il sait par coeur him." Know something "par coeur" by heart, in French to say "I know by heart," it is well treated, well understood.
In Deuteronomy we find the famous text known as beautiful and says: "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your power, and bear deep in the heart all these commandments which I give you today. " (Cf. 6.5 to 6). All this is, soul, mind, strength, heart, intelligence, are synonymous, are concepts really repetitive to say the same thing. In short, in Scripture the word 'heart' means a whole person, whole person, the human being (cf. Catechism of the Catholic Church, 368). Rarely refers only to the human heart, because it makes no sense a heart of flesh alone. More specifically "heart" means the person's inner life, precisely because the heart is inside, the heart beats express their own feelings of this or that person. And still more concrete, if possible, especially the heart symbolizes love. Hence, then, that the Person of Jesus, ie, the Heart of Jesus, the inner life of Jesus, his love is supremely say "Heart of Jesus' words:" Love "of Jesus, God (as God) and human (and male), according to the two natures in the unity of Person.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Trainee Dental Nurse Money
Novena to the Sacred Heart.
June 11, 2009
In the Letter to the Ephesians, Paul also says: "That Faith Christ may dwell in your hearts, being rooted and grounded in love, you can comprehend with all saints what is the width and length, height and depth, and know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge, that you may be filled with all the fullness of God "(3:17-19).
This text is essential, as St. Paul made it as a kind of description of the Heart of Christ. Instead of saying the word 'heart' says 'width', 'length', 'height' and 'depth'.
width, because the Heart of Christ is so wide that it fall all men Even his enemies! Length, because it is eternal, indeed, the love of Jesus for men is forever: "Having loved his own who were in the world, he loved to the end" (Jn 13, 1) until the end of his life and for eternity, and until the end of human strength.
height because it is supernatural, the love of God is infinite, which is manifested in the Heart of Jesus. It's the same transcendent love of God the Father to mankind, revealed in the Son, the Word incarnate.
and depth, as the same word expresses the depth of the mysteries of Christ. As St. Paul says: "The Spirit searches everything, even the depths of God" (1 Cor 2.10).
The Apostle says that love surpasses knowledge, all knowledge. Here is another very important point. Look at these words: "That Christ may dwell by faith in your hearts, being rooted and grounded in love (ie love of Christ) you may understand ... the love of Christ which surpasses knowledge "(Eph 3.17). Ie we can not understand the love of God in Christ, if not love him, because it is a science "experimental." Knowledge is not purely rational, purely theological or even biblical, but it is so important. Is much larger, is a knowledge connaturalidad, in fact would have to say 'with-supernatural. " In short, it is a mystical knowledge, the work of the gifts of the Holy Spirit, especially the gift of wisdom and the gift of understanding. As they say the Litany of the Sacred Heart of Jesus: "... in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge "of the divine science, not merely human. This knowledge is only experiencing the love of God to us by Christ, and love from us to God through Christ. This is what we say and sing in the doxology of the Mass: "Per Ipsum, cum Ipso et in Ipso", "Through Christ, with Him and in Him."
This text is essential, as St. Paul made it as a kind of description of the Heart of Christ. Instead of saying the word 'heart' says 'width', 'length', 'height' and 'depth'.
width, because the Heart of Christ is so wide that it fall all men Even his enemies! Length, because it is eternal, indeed, the love of Jesus for men is forever: "Having loved his own who were in the world, he loved to the end" (Jn 13, 1) until the end of his life and for eternity, and until the end of human strength.
height because it is supernatural, the love of God is infinite, which is manifested in the Heart of Jesus. It's the same transcendent love of God the Father to mankind, revealed in the Son, the Word incarnate.
and depth, as the same word expresses the depth of the mysteries of Christ. As St. Paul says: "The Spirit searches everything, even the depths of God" (1 Cor 2.10).
The Apostle says that love surpasses knowledge, all knowledge. Here is another very important point. Look at these words: "That Christ may dwell by faith in your hearts, being rooted and grounded in love (ie love of Christ) you may understand ... the love of Christ which surpasses knowledge "(Eph 3.17). Ie we can not understand the love of God in Christ, if not love him, because it is a science "experimental." Knowledge is not purely rational, purely theological or even biblical, but it is so important. Is much larger, is a knowledge connaturalidad, in fact would have to say 'with-supernatural. " In short, it is a mystical knowledge, the work of the gifts of the Holy Spirit, especially the gift of wisdom and the gift of understanding. As they say the Litany of the Sacred Heart of Jesus: "... in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge "of the divine science, not merely human. This knowledge is only experiencing the love of God to us by Christ, and love from us to God through Christ. This is what we say and sing in the doxology of the Mass: "Per Ipsum, cum Ipso et in Ipso", "Through Christ, with Him and in Him."
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Difference Between Rca And Hdmi
Day 2 Novena to the Sacred Heart. Day 1 Novena to the Sacred Heart
In Scripture the word "heart" is found many times.
In the Old Testament the word heart appears over 850 times, usually applied to man, but as Christ is the man we are very interested in that data of Revelation. Of those 850 times, the word heart in the Old Testament refers to God 25 times. In the New Testament appears some 160 times, which once referred to the Heart of God. We have a text in the Acts of the Apostles, which says: "Deposed he (Saul) raised by King David, of those who gave testimony, saying: "I have found David son of Jesse, a man after my own heart, you'll do all my pleasure" (13:22). There is a passage which explicitly referred to the Heart of Jesus: the text and so popular and beautiful of Matthew: "Learn from me (makes my school, the hue of the original Greek text) I am meek and humble of heart" (11:29).
analog implicitly and there are many texts in the New Testament in which it is the Heart of Jesus, as in the Gospel of John. For example, the passage nospresenta St. John lying on the chest of Jesus (cf. 13.25). Inside the chest is where the heart is, so is tantamount to lying on the Heart of Jesus. Remember also released facing the side of Christ on Calvary, and that burst open heart "blood and water" (cf. 19:34). Another text
very beautiful, very rich, in the Letter of Paul to the Philippians, which read: "God is my witness, how I love you all in the bowels of Jesus Christ" (1.8). What are the belly but the heart of Christ?
In the Old Testament the word heart appears over 850 times, usually applied to man, but as Christ is the man we are very interested in that data of Revelation. Of those 850 times, the word heart in the Old Testament refers to God 25 times. In the New Testament appears some 160 times, which once referred to the Heart of God. We have a text in the Acts of the Apostles, which says: "Deposed he (Saul) raised by King David, of those who gave testimony, saying: "I have found David son of Jesse, a man after my own heart, you'll do all my pleasure" (13:22). There is a passage which explicitly referred to the Heart of Jesus: the text and so popular and beautiful of Matthew: "Learn from me (makes my school, the hue of the original Greek text) I am meek and humble of heart" (11:29).
analog implicitly and there are many texts in the New Testament in which it is the Heart of Jesus, as in the Gospel of John. For example, the passage nospresenta St. John lying on the chest of Jesus (cf. 13.25). Inside the chest is where the heart is, so is tantamount to lying on the Heart of Jesus. Remember also released facing the side of Christ on Calvary, and that burst open heart "blood and water" (cf. 19:34). Another text
very beautiful, very rich, in the Letter of Paul to the Philippians, which read: "God is my witness, how I love you all in the bowels of Jesus Christ" (1.8). What are the belly but the heart of Christ?
Monday, June 8, 2009
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