Friday, June 12, 2009

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Novena to the Sacred Heart. Day 4

June 13, 2009
The Theology:
The Theology of the Heart of Jesus have to frame it within Christology (dogmatic treatise on Jesus Christ, the Incarnate Word) and, within this treaty We have to stop in the holy humanity of Christ, distinguishing it, but never separate from his divinity.
The Humanity of Christ to be united hypostatically the Word of God (the Second Person of the Trinity) deserves, demands of us a worship of latria, because it is a body and a soul, or body-animated of a person, not a human but divine, infinite: the eternal Word of God. Then the adorable humanity of Jesus is under the Divine. St. Paul says that "in Christ dwelleth all the fullness of the Godhead bodily", "In quo habitat omnis divinitatis plenitudo Corporalita" (Col 2.9). This beautiful text is picked up the Litany of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Therefore, to love what Theology teaches us about the Heart of Jesus be enough to study and meditate, one by one, these litanies, each more hermosa1.
Pope Pius XII, in a phrase that is a whole world, says that "the Heart of Jesus is as the sum of the whole mystery of our Redemption." He also claims that "in the devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus contains the essence of all religion" (Encyclical Haurietis aquas). It is the synthesis of the history of Revelation, the entire Plan of God.
already know that the words of St. Paul: "unite all things in Christ" (Eph 1.10). Well, the symbol of this summary is just the Heart of Jesus. So the Church has established a liturgical feast in honor of the Heart, whose worship and devotion have been growing to this day, despite the desecration, of rationalism, evolutionism, and other negative factors of the historical moment in which we live.


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