Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Difference Between Rca And Hdmi

Day 2 Novena to the Sacred Heart. Day 1 Novena to the Sacred Heart

June 10, 2009
In Scripture the word "heart" is found many times.
In the Old Testament the word heart appears over 850 times, usually applied to man, but as Christ is the man we are very interested in that data of Revelation. Of those 850 times, the word heart in the Old Testament refers to God 25 times. In the New Testament appears some 160 times, which once referred to the Heart of God. We have a text in the Acts of the Apostles, which says: "Deposed he (Saul) raised by King David, of those who gave testimony, saying: "I have found David son of Jesse, a man after my own heart, you'll do all my pleasure" (13:22). There is a passage which explicitly referred to the Heart of Jesus: the text and so popular and beautiful of Matthew: "Learn from me (makes my school, the hue of the original Greek text) I am meek and humble of heart" (11:29).

analog implicitly and there are many texts in the New Testament in which it is the Heart of Jesus, as in the Gospel of John. For example, the passage nospresenta St. John lying on the chest of Jesus (cf. 13.25). Inside the chest is where the heart is, so is tantamount to lying on the Heart of Jesus. Remember also released facing the side of Christ on Calvary, and that burst open heart "blood and water" (cf. 19:34). Another text

very beautiful, very rich, in the Letter of Paul to the Philippians, which read: "God is my witness, how I love you all in the bowels of Jesus Christ" (1.8). What are the belly but the heart of Christ?


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