June 17, 2009
But that was launched in the opposite direction and in the light of Sacred Scripture and the writings and lives of Saints, symbolizes love the subtleties of those souls who have somehow violated the Heart of Jesus, says the wife of Solomon: "Vulnerasti cor meum, soror mea, sponsa", "You hurt my heart, my wife and sister , you hurt my heart with one of your eyes, with one of your hair "(4.9). Therefore, every act of love wounds gently into the Heart of Jesus as an act of love sweet loving hurts the beloved. When God shows his love, his delicacy, it hurts us, but that hurt, rather than cause pain, as in the case of enemies, produce a great delight. They are wounds of love are love darts are darts of love! St. Teresa's why, when you explain what love is, compared to an arrow, a dart. She had the experience in the convent of the Incarnation, an angel appeared to him and stuck him with a dart, an arrow on in the love of Christ which pierced his heart, in the midst of a mystical ecstasy, producing an ineffable delight . Another scene
endearing and very purpose of what we saying, is what John tells us in his Gospel (13:23), when it rests its head on the Heart of Jesus at the Last Supper on Holy Thursday. This passage has been commented on, in one way or another, virtually all mystics, which have been symbolized in the whole Gospel, the apex of the Christian life: the soul's spiritual marriage with Jesus Christ. And now we say spiritual marriage, remember how the love between man and woman is symbolized by the two hearts or a heart pierced by the names of lovers. And Jesus wanted to also have heart, like us, and that heart is pierced by the lance of the soldier on Good Friday at Calvary, precisely so that we go through that wound in him and discover the hidden treasures of His love, and we are drunk with the blood and water flowing from his side. There have even been
saints that had the mystical experience of Jesus himself will present his own heart and have felt impressed to take, to wet the lips in the blood of his side. Certainly mystical phenomena, but they show a profound reality, which is the fusion of the loving heart of Jesus in them.
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