Sunday, June 14, 2009

Baseball Country Songs

Novena to the Sacred Heart. Day 6

June 15, 2009
Here, in summary, the three fundamental aspects of the theology of the Sacred Heart. In fact, the symbolism of Love brings together the other two, the exemplary and pain. This is because the love of Jesus come together three realities or dimensions, reduced to unity by virtue of the hypostatic union: Love divine Word itself, the Second Person of the Trinity, and loves (spiritual and sensitive) characteristic of the humanity of Christ Hence the perfect harmony that lies at the heart of Jesus, is like a knot, so to speak, where converge the infinite love of God and human love of man, who represents Christ as the Head of Mystical Body.
So in the Heart of Jesus we have the epitome of the whole universe, the recapitulation of all things divine dimension strictly speaking, as is said, and the human dimension, in both its spiritual and sensitive. All the material world is represented, recapitulated, symbolized in the tender love of Christ. All the spiritual world of souls, minds and angels is symbolized, unified in the soul of Christ. And the eternal Love of God in the same Word, the Son.
For all that we have considered so far, we can say with Pope Pius XII that devotion to the Sacred Heart devotion is no more, but "substantial Devotion" (cf. Encyclical Haurietis aquas). This is because it is the same love of the Incarnate Word, symbolized in his heart, which represents the Divine person and divine-human nature of Jesus Christ.
In the Heart of Jesus is contained all the economy of salvation. Sanctifying grace springs from the Sacred Heart, as well as the sacraments, all of which is symbolized by the drops of blood and water that flowed from the open side of the Redeemer. It is St. John the Apostle, the lover of the Sacred Heart, who notes that after the soldier pierced the side of Jesus on the cross, "instantly came out blood and water" (Jn 19:34).
These drops of blood and water are both a symbol of the Church, the mystical bride, who as a second Eve, born from the wounded side of Adam, stayed on the cross (cf. Catechism of the Catholic Church, 766).


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