Thursday, November 12, 2009

What's The Best Oil For Wok

Blessed Artemide Zatti Aguascalientes Mexico

Boretto Artemide Zatti was born in, in the province of Reggio Emilia, 12 October 1880, the home of Louis and Albina Zatti Vecchi, a farming family. Since little is accustomed to work and sacrifice. When I was nine years and earned his money as hired labor. Forced by poverty, in 1897 the family emigrated to Argentina Zatti established to start a new life in Bahia Blanca. Artemide there began attending the church were in charge of the Salesians and became an assistant pastor, Father Carlos Cavalli, who often share the work and prayer. I felt the desire to become a Salesian and he was accepted as a candidate by the Bishop Cagliero and was twenty when he joined the Community in Bernal.

Tuberculosis - and a promise

began to study seriously for lost time. Providence entrusted with the care of a young priest who was ill with tuberculosis and then died in 1902. The day Artimides was to receive his habit, he also contracted the disease. When he returned to the community, Cavalli Father sent him to Mission Hospital in Viedma. Father Evaristo Garrone, with great experience in it, was in charge of the hospital. Artemide, with him, and asked obtained from Mary Help of recovering grace, promising to dedicate his life to the care of patients. Responsible


was recovered and kept his promise. At first began to address the pharmacy attached to the hospital, where he learned how to work the Father Garrone: only those who could pay. Garrone When Father died, he took full responsibility. In 1908 he made his perpetual profession. He was completely dedicated to the sick. People sought him and admired him. For the hospital staff he was not only an excellent director but above all, an excellent Christian.

A Day in the Life of ...

That was how he spent his day: "At 4.30 I was raised. Mass meditation. Visit the sick. Then came a bicycle to visit patients in the city. After lunch a game enthusiastically played bocce with those who were recovering. From two to six in the afternoon, again visited those in hospital as well as those outside the hospital. Until after 8 pm working in the pharmacy. Then back to the hospital. Until 11 pm to medical school and finally read something spiritual. Then go to rest but was always on hand to anyone who requests assistance. "

A copy Salesian Brother

earned her nursing diploma. In 1913 he directed the construction of the new hospital which, in spite of his, was demolished. Not discouraged, he started again. Like Don Bosco, Providence was the first and secure income balance that had to do their work. Maria Auxiliadora never left him. When Don Bosco Salesian Brothers dreamed certainly wanted them to be as holy as Artemide. In 1950 he fell on the stairs and was confined to bed. Death

Then came some signs cancer. Took his last breath on March 15, 1951. John Paul II declared him Blessed on April 14, 2002. His body rests in the chapel of the Salesians in Viedma.

Friday, October 16, 2009

What Can I Wear With A Wool Coat


Hi I am writing to request that I send to my email carlos.leos mp3 @ red and Marc Vidal.
you soon god bless you

Friday, June 19, 2009

Calling A Cmd File Using Python

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Specialized Stumpjumper Pro Carbon 2010

Novena to the Sacred Heart. Day 9

June 18, 2009

chained to a heart wounded by love unrequited ,
of deep passions divine power dunks
in reds, pulsing of forgiveness. Love

I can not pay my song;
waste of tenderness, my God wounded
with crown of thorns, bread broken and shared, redeeming cross
pregnant in salvation.

That I'm happy for your everlasting mercy!
That hurts me for having offended you!
Let me bleed to love your heart!

That unnerved me to feel your thorns!
What I hope with your resurrection! ...
and I'm like you, too wounded.

ZLK / Poem to S. Heart, June 18, 2004

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Skateboard Roller Trucks

Novena to the Sacred Heart. Day 8

June 17, 2009

But that was launched in the opposite direction and in the light of Sacred Scripture and the writings and lives of Saints, symbolizes love the subtleties of those souls who have somehow violated the Heart of Jesus, says the wife of Solomon: "Vulnerasti cor meum, soror mea, sponsa", "You hurt my heart, my wife and sister , you hurt my heart with one of your eyes, with one of your hair "(4.9). Therefore, every act of love wounds gently into the Heart of Jesus as an act of love sweet loving hurts the beloved. When God shows his love, his delicacy, it hurts us, but that hurt, rather than cause pain, as in the case of enemies, produce a great delight. They are wounds of love are love darts are darts of love! St. Teresa's why, when you explain what love is, compared to an arrow, a dart. She had the experience in the convent of the Incarnation, an angel appeared to him and stuck him with a dart, an arrow on in the love of Christ which pierced his heart, in the midst of a mystical ecstasy, producing an ineffable delight . Another scene
endearing and very purpose of what we saying, is what John tells us in his Gospel (13:23), when it rests its head on the Heart of Jesus at the Last Supper on Holy Thursday. This passage has been commented on, in one way or another, virtually all mystics, which have been symbolized in the whole Gospel, the apex of the Christian life: the soul's spiritual marriage with Jesus Christ. And now we say spiritual marriage, remember how the love between man and woman is symbolized by the two hearts or a heart pierced by the names of lovers. And Jesus wanted to also have heart, like us, and that heart is pierced by the lance of the soldier on Good Friday at Calvary, precisely so that we go through that wound in him and discover the hidden treasures of His love, and we are drunk with the blood and water flowing from his side. There have even been
saints that had the mystical experience of Jesus himself will present his own heart and have felt impressed to take, to wet the lips in the blood of his side. Certainly mystical phenomena, but they show a profound reality, which is the fusion of the loving heart of Jesus in them.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Metropolitan Life Bmi Calculation

Novena to the Sacred Heart. Day 7

June 16, 2009
Heart of Jesus in the mystical experience of the saints:
In this third part would have to include a gallery of great saints, which is logically impossible. Recall, for starters, to St. Margaret Mary Alacoque, who was the confidante of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, also Saint Teresa of Avila, St. John of the Cross, St. Ignatius of Loyola, St. Bernard, St. Bonaventure, St. Gertrude, St. Catherine Siena, St. Francis of Assisi, and many other saints who have distinguished themselves by this devotion. Among those closest to us can remember one of the greatest promoters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus cited even by Pope Pius XII, who was the Father Mateo Crawley-Boevey, and Monsignor Manuel González, the bishop of abandoned tabernacles. " All these, among many others, have found in the Heart of Jesus delights. This is what we say in the last of the Litany: "Cor Jesu, deliciae sanctorum omnium," "Heart of Jesus, delight of all saints." They have come to drink from the inexhaustible source, and penetrating her from the side wound of Christ made her sweetness and treasure.
pause for a moment on that wound in his side which symbolizes, first of all, Jesus' invitation to enter into their lives, which is proper to the contemplative life. The beautiful wound repair also symbolizes that we also love. This is an essential note of devotion to the Sacred Heart. A heart pierced, wounded by his enemies, "Victim of sinners" (victim of sinners and sins) requires compensation claims many holy souls have offered their sufferings, their illnesses, their dryness, humiliations, all crosses, for console and make reparation to the Heart of Jesus, in the absence of love of many men. So you love, love for the offenses against the human being who loves, wants to claim, "avenge" holy speaking, the sins of men. This fix is \u200b\u200bfound expressed in this prayer that St. Francis of Assisi says the Lord, "where there is hatred, let me sow love, etc. ...". So if the launch is symbolic of sin and all that we have suffered to the Heart of Jesus, our love for Him must be repaired.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Baseball Country Songs

Novena to the Sacred Heart. Day 6

June 15, 2009
Here, in summary, the three fundamental aspects of the theology of the Sacred Heart. In fact, the symbolism of Love brings together the other two, the exemplary and pain. This is because the love of Jesus come together three realities or dimensions, reduced to unity by virtue of the hypostatic union: Love divine Word itself, the Second Person of the Trinity, and loves (spiritual and sensitive) characteristic of the humanity of Christ Hence the perfect harmony that lies at the heart of Jesus, is like a knot, so to speak, where converge the infinite love of God and human love of man, who represents Christ as the Head of Mystical Body.
So in the Heart of Jesus we have the epitome of the whole universe, the recapitulation of all things divine dimension strictly speaking, as is said, and the human dimension, in both its spiritual and sensitive. All the material world is represented, recapitulated, symbolized in the tender love of Christ. All the spiritual world of souls, minds and angels is symbolized, unified in the soul of Christ. And the eternal Love of God in the same Word, the Son.
For all that we have considered so far, we can say with Pope Pius XII that devotion to the Sacred Heart devotion is no more, but "substantial Devotion" (cf. Encyclical Haurietis aquas). This is because it is the same love of the Incarnate Word, symbolized in his heart, which represents the Divine person and divine-human nature of Jesus Christ.
In the Heart of Jesus is contained all the economy of salvation. Sanctifying grace springs from the Sacred Heart, as well as the sacraments, all of which is symbolized by the drops of blood and water that flowed from the open side of the Redeemer. It is St. John the Apostle, the lover of the Sacred Heart, who notes that after the soldier pierced the side of Jesus on the cross, "instantly came out blood and water" (Jn 19:34).
These drops of blood and water are both a symbol of the Church, the mystical bride, who as a second Eve, born from the wounded side of Adam, stayed on the cross (cf. Catechism of the Catholic Church, 766).

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Chewing Gum With An Upset Stomach

Novena to the Sacred Heart. Day 5

June 14, 2009
Let us now simply and in a schematic way, the symbolism that encloses the heart of our beloved and beautiful King:
* exemplary model. Returning to the teachings of St. Paul, who told us that the Father's plan is to "make all things in Christ as its head, which is in heaven and things on earth" (Eph 1.10). In this way, the Heart of Jesus is presented as the exemplary model the whole work of Creation, of Redemption and Glorification. Everything is concentrated in the Heart of Jesus, everything flows ultimately Heart of Jesus. This is what we read in the Letter to the Colossians: "He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation, for in him were created all things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible .. . all things were created through Him and to Him is before everything, and everything having its consistency. He is also Head of the Body, the Church is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, that is the first in everything, because God was pleased to dwell in the whole fullness, and through him to reconcile to himself all things, making peace through the blood of his cross, which is on earth and in heaven "(Col 1.14 to 20). When we say "Heart of Jesus, substantially united to the Word of God we speak of a substantial union of what we call the hypostatic union, as we have seen. And all this leads us to believe that in Jesus Christ we have the synthesis of God and man, symbolized harmony in the Heart of Jesus (Body, Soul and Divinity), and consequently, the synthesis of all things in heaven and earth .
* Secondly, the Heart of Jesus is a symbol of God's love. In the Letter to the Romans, the Apostle exclaims: "Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword? But in all these things we overcome by Him who loved us. Because I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature can separate us from God's Love in Christ Jesus our Lord "(8.35. 37-39). That love of God revealed in Christ, is concretely manifested in the divine-human heart, human-divine, His Heart of flesh, which lives as a living shrine, the fullness of the love of God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
* The third symbol is that of pain. Earlier we said that the Heart of Christ is the sum of all the mysteries of our Redemption. And redemption is to say that suffering, sacrifice, death, passion, pain. This is what is in this litany that reads "Cor Iesu, lancea perforatum, is pierced by a spear. And the pierced side flowed blood, which is telling us that there is no death, no pain, no suffering, because it is the mystery of a love rejected by men, which leads to the madness of death on the cross.

Friday, June 12, 2009

How To Meet Gay Men In Nj

Novena to the Sacred Heart. Day 4

June 13, 2009
The Theology:
The Theology of the Heart of Jesus have to frame it within Christology (dogmatic treatise on Jesus Christ, the Incarnate Word) and, within this treaty We have to stop in the holy humanity of Christ, distinguishing it, but never separate from his divinity.
The Humanity of Christ to be united hypostatically the Word of God (the Second Person of the Trinity) deserves, demands of us a worship of latria, because it is a body and a soul, or body-animated of a person, not a human but divine, infinite: the eternal Word of God. Then the adorable humanity of Jesus is under the Divine. St. Paul says that "in Christ dwelleth all the fullness of the Godhead bodily", "In quo habitat omnis divinitatis plenitudo Corporalita" (Col 2.9). This beautiful text is picked up the Litany of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Therefore, to love what Theology teaches us about the Heart of Jesus be enough to study and meditate, one by one, these litanies, each more hermosa1.
Pope Pius XII, in a phrase that is a whole world, says that "the Heart of Jesus is as the sum of the whole mystery of our Redemption." He also claims that "in the devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus contains the essence of all religion" (Encyclical Haurietis aquas). It is the synthesis of the history of Revelation, the entire Plan of God.
already know that the words of St. Paul: "unite all things in Christ" (Eph 1.10). Well, the symbol of this summary is just the Heart of Jesus. So the Church has established a liturgical feast in honor of the Heart, whose worship and devotion have been growing to this day, despite the desecration, of rationalism, evolutionism, and other negative factors of the historical moment in which we live.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Poptropica Cheats For The Tablet Of The Gods

Novena to the Sacred Heart. Day 3

June 12, 2009
In the Bible the word "heart" has multiple meanings. Not only refers to the affective and sensitive, if not sentimental, but also refers to the cognitive aspect, including the share of free will. There are many aspects we could mention: the heart is knowledge, love, freedom, courage, strength, tenacity, etc. So there are words composed of the Latin root "cor, cordis, heart. Remember, for example, that is typical of memory, and yet remember is to 're-cut', ie passing through the heart. The heart and center of all man's psychic life: intellectual, volitional and emotional.
Agree, agree, and similar expressions have the same root "cor" heart. French is a common expression to say that memory you know one thing: "Il sait par coeur him." Know something "par coeur" by heart, in French to say "I know by heart," it is well treated, well understood.
In Deuteronomy we find the famous text known as beautiful and says: "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your power, and bear deep in the heart all these commandments which I give you today. " (Cf. 6.5 to 6). All this is, soul, mind, strength, heart, intelligence, are synonymous, are concepts really repetitive to say the same thing. In short, in Scripture the word 'heart' means a whole person, whole person, the human being (cf. Catechism of the Catholic Church, 368). Rarely refers only to the human heart, because it makes no sense a heart of flesh alone. More specifically "heart" means the person's inner life, precisely because the heart is inside, the heart beats express their own feelings of this or that person. And still more concrete, if possible, especially the heart symbolizes love. Hence, then, that the Person of Jesus, ie, the Heart of Jesus, the inner life of Jesus, his love is supremely say "Heart of Jesus' words:" Love "of Jesus, God (as God) and human (and male), according to the two natures in the unity of Person.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Trainee Dental Nurse Money

Novena to the Sacred Heart.

June 11, 2009
In the Letter to the Ephesians, Paul also says: "That Faith Christ may dwell in your hearts, being rooted and grounded in love, you can comprehend with all saints what is the width and length, height and depth, and know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge, that you may be filled with all the fullness of God "(3:17-19).
This text is essential, as St. Paul made it as a kind of description of the Heart of Christ. Instead of saying the word 'heart' says 'width', 'length', 'height' and 'depth'.
width, because the Heart of Christ is so wide that it fall all men Even his enemies! Length, because it is eternal, indeed, the love of Jesus for men is forever: "Having loved his own who were in the world, he loved to the end" (Jn 13, 1) until the end of his life and for eternity, and until the end of human strength.
height because it is supernatural, the love of God is infinite, which is manifested in the Heart of Jesus. It's the same transcendent love of God the Father to mankind, revealed in the Son, the Word incarnate.
and depth, as the same word expresses the depth of the mysteries of Christ. As St. Paul says: "The Spirit searches everything, even the depths of God" (1 Cor 2.10).
The Apostle says that love surpasses knowledge, all knowledge. Here is another very important point. Look at these words: "That Christ may dwell by faith in your hearts, being rooted and grounded in love (ie love of Christ) you may understand ... the love of Christ which surpasses knowledge "(Eph 3.17). Ie we can not understand the love of God in Christ, if not love him, because it is a science "experimental." Knowledge is not purely rational, purely theological or even biblical, but it is so important. Is much larger, is a knowledge connaturalidad, in fact would have to say 'with-supernatural. " In short, it is a mystical knowledge, the work of the gifts of the Holy Spirit, especially the gift of wisdom and the gift of understanding. As they say the Litany of the Sacred Heart of Jesus: "... in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge "of the divine science, not merely human. This knowledge is only experiencing the love of God to us by Christ, and love from us to God through Christ. This is what we say and sing in the doxology of the Mass: "Per Ipsum, cum Ipso et in Ipso", "Through Christ, with Him and in Him."

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Difference Between Rca And Hdmi

Day 2 Novena to the Sacred Heart. Day 1 Novena to the Sacred Heart

June 10, 2009
In Scripture the word "heart" is found many times.
In the Old Testament the word heart appears over 850 times, usually applied to man, but as Christ is the man we are very interested in that data of Revelation. Of those 850 times, the word heart in the Old Testament refers to God 25 times. In the New Testament appears some 160 times, which once referred to the Heart of God. We have a text in the Acts of the Apostles, which says: "Deposed he (Saul) raised by King David, of those who gave testimony, saying: "I have found David son of Jesse, a man after my own heart, you'll do all my pleasure" (13:22). There is a passage which explicitly referred to the Heart of Jesus: the text and so popular and beautiful of Matthew: "Learn from me (makes my school, the hue of the original Greek text) I am meek and humble of heart" (11:29).

analog implicitly and there are many texts in the New Testament in which it is the Heart of Jesus, as in the Gospel of John. For example, the passage nospresenta St. John lying on the chest of Jesus (cf. 13.25). Inside the chest is where the heart is, so is tantamount to lying on the Heart of Jesus. Remember also released facing the side of Christ on Calvary, and that burst open heart "blood and water" (cf. 19:34). Another text

very beautiful, very rich, in the Letter of Paul to the Philippians, which read: "God is my witness, how I love you all in the bowels of Jesus Christ" (1.8). What are the belly but the heart of Christ?

Monday, June 8, 2009

Recherche Numero De Serie De Blazedtv 2,5

10 to June 18, 2009
Brief reading every day

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Difference Between Prednisone And Prednisolone

February 14, day: Siamo

Happy day!


Thursday, January 29, 2009

Method Hand Wash Vs Dish Soap

Salesiani (we Salesians)

Friday, January 23, 2009

Blush Bridal Boutique Belfast

Heroism of St. Francis de Sales

religious conditions of the inhabitants of the Alps, on the southern shore of Lake Geneva were deplorable because of the constant attacks of the armies Protestants, and the Duke of Savoy begged the Bishop Claude Granier to send some missionaries to evangelize the region again. The bishop sent a priest in Thonon, the capital of the Alps, but his attempts failed. The envoy had to retire very soon. The Bishop then presented the matter to the attention of your chapter, without concealing its difficulties and dangers. Of all these, Francis was who best understood the seriousness of the problem, and offered to play that hard work, saying simply: "Lord, if you think I can be useful in this mission, give the order to go, I I am ready to obey and consider myself fortunate to have been chosen for it ". The Bishop accepted the point, with great joy for Francisco.

Boisy But the Lord saw things differently and went to Annecy to prevent what he called" a kind of madness. "According to him, the mission amounted to send his son to death. Kneeling at the feet of the Bishop said: "Lord, I allowed my eldest son, the hope of my house, my old age and my life, be devoted serving the Church, but I want it to be a confessor, not a martyr. "When the bishop, struck by the pain and entreaties of his friend, was about to give up, Francis himself asked him to keep firm: "Are you going to make me unworthy of the kingdom of heaven?" said "I've put my hand to the plow, do not make me go back."

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Do I Need To Use Backer With Granite Tile

The World's Best Dad

Little Mary has terminal cancer, his condition is critical, suffers badly from headaches that make her mourn and to faint. For several months living in the hospital. His father, John, left alone with the responsibility of the case, his wife left them for a few weeks old the child, the result of a mistake, she said.
He has mortgaged his house to save her daughter, but no one to give you hope, all is lost ... touches on many doors and looks some indifferent, some sharing their tears, accompanied by the same phrase: "no longer can do anything."
Jonah, shot, remember that today is your birthday Maria, and before returning to the hospital, goes through a florist, at least the flowers brighten up the dreary cold white room and hospital.
Upon entering the door, sees little and gives a big smile ... "Sorry, my dear, I could not do anything for you." The girl, receives flowers, looks and dry the tears from his dad: "You've done everything, you're the best dad in the world."
Failure often prevents us from seeing what's great about our effort. Our existence is limited, but our hope is greater. When it seems that nothing we could do, raise our eyes and discover confident that those who love us, they value our efforts, regardless of any outcome.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Glallbladder Polyps And Sludge

Laura Vicuña, heroine of the Andes Letting go

From Chile to Argentina

Carmen Laura Vicuña was born in Santiago, Chile, on April 8, 1891 at the home of José Domingo and Mercedes Pino. The Vicuña were an aristocratic Chilean family, forced into exile by the revolution. They took refuge in Temuco, in a poor house, but soon after Joseph died Sunday Mercedes suddenly and took refuge with her two daughters in Argentina. Went to live in Junin de los Andes. Mercedes met Manuel Mora, quite arrogant, who agreed to work but also live with him. Boarding

the Sisters Laura in 1900, along with her sister Julia Amanda, were pupils at the school of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians. It was an exemplary pupil, pious, listened to the Sisters, available to their partners and always happy and ready to make sacrifices. Modeled

Dominic Savio

In the following years she made her First Communion with the same fervor and ideals Santo Domingo Savio, which had taken as a model. He joined the Association of the Daughters of Mary. In the chance that a sister was explaining the sacrament of marriage in catechesis, Laura began to realize that his mother lived in sin and fainted. Also included because during the holidays in the country, his mother made him pray in secret and never received the sacraments. From then on, Laura increased their prayers and sacrifices for the conversion of his mother. During the holidays of 1902, Manuel Mora threatened the purity of Laura, she steadfastly refused, in a fury.

Request denied - prayer for the mother

She returned to school as an assistant, because he paid no more studies. With all his heart asked to enter as a Daughter of Mary Help of Christians, but was denied because his mother was living in sin. She offered her life to the Lord for the conversion of his mother became even more sacrifice and with the consent of her confessor, Father Crestanello, she took her vows in private. Consumed by the sacrifices and other diseases because of Mora for having rejected again in her last night she confessed: "Mom, I'm dying! For a long time I have offered my life for you Jesus to come back to God ... Mom, before I die, I will have the chance to see your repentance?. Laura. "
Answer to a prayer

Mercedes replied: "I promise I'll do what you ask." With this joy, Laura died the evening of January 22, 1904. His body rests in the chapel belonging to the Daughters of Mary Help of Bahía Blanca. On 3 September 1988, the centenary of the death of Don Bosco, the chosen daughter, who had given his life for the single most beloved of the Master, was beatified by Pope John Paul II.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Wa Law On Elder Exploitation

When a partner ceases to love and decides to leave, there is someone who feels a great sorrow, that feels the weight loss differently. This person is the one that still loves, he can not understand or that he can understand what happens, I do not understand or suddenly refuses to take his life, his sorrow, and draw the match.

's when we began to realize that sometimes we can not have everything we want, and that life, or the world was not as we imagine. We dream of a life together, always feeling loved and loving, to end our life with the loved one, and thus one dream one day we wake to this reality: I do not love us. We are filled with unanswered questions: Why? When? Amar

involves taking that risk, they really love suffer. Before the loss must try to develop bereavement, and gradually achieve separation of what is gone. Unless we learn to let go, if we let go, if the attachment is stronger than us and we stayed there tied, glued to those dreams, those fantasies, those illusions, the pain will grow endlessly and every day our sorrow, and our suffering will be the fellow travelers of a route to depression, lack of incentive, lack of life. Cuesta

drop what we love, it hurts to feel that we are not loved, but the pain we grow and mature and if we learn to let go we are leaving behind a part of our history and we started to open to different, unknown. Letting go, that's the key. It is not easy, not simple: It hurts ...

The normal experience of a loss has to do precisely with dueling encouraged to live with the pain and suffering allowed part of the road. I say no pain and suffering, because suffering is resigned to become lovingly attached to the penalty. I want to open your hand and let go of what today is gone, what is now no longer works, which today is not for me, today is not mine. I do not want to hold you, do not want you to stay with me because I did not let you go.

I do not want to do anything to stay beyond what you want. As I leave the door open, I know you're here me because you want to stay, because if you want to go, and you would have gone ... "

Jorge Bucay
Argentine Writer and psychologist

Monday, January 19, 2009

Can You Feel Melanoma

blind light A Shake and rising

There was once, centuries ago, in a city East, a man who walked through the dark night streets carrying a lighted oil lamp. The city was very dark moonless nights like that. At one point, he meets a friend. The friend looks at him and suddenly he recognized. He realizes that it is Guido, the blind people. Then, he says:
- Guido, if you do not see what are you doing with a lamp in his hand?
Then the blind man replies:
- I do not carry the light for my path. I know the darkness of the streets of memory. Wear light for others to find their way when I look at my.


is important not only light it for me, but I use the others can also use it. Each of us can light the way for one and to be seen by others, although one apparently no longer needed.

Lighting the way for others is not easy. Although many times instead of illuminating the road darken much of the other, through disappointment, criticism, selfishness, indifference, hatred, and resentment.

How beautiful it would illuminate the road itself all the others! Without thinking if they need it or not. Bring light and not dark. If everyone lit a light, the whole world would be bright and shine every day with greater intensity ...

all go through difficult situations sometimes, we all feel the burden of pain at certain times in our lives. We all suffer at times, cry at others. But we should not project our pain when someone desperately seeks help from us. We should not cry as usual: "Life is so" full of hatred, full of cynicism, apathy, and hatred. We should not. Instead, we help others spreading hope in that broken heart. Our pain is and was important, but is minimized if we help others cope, if we help one cope. Demos light. We motor in the soul that turns any lamp, energy that can illuminate rather than obscure. Use it is up to us to know. Is up to us to be light and not let others live in darkness.

Author Unknown

Sunday, January 18, 2009

How To Write Thank Yous In Programs

One day a farmer's donkey fell into a well. The animal cried hard for hours as the farmer tried to figure out what to do. Finally

peasant decided that the animal was old, the well was dry and needed to be covered anyway and really not worth taking the donkey.

invited all his neighbors to come and help. Everyone took a shovel and began to throw dirt into the well. The donkey realized what was happening and cried inconsolably.

Then to the surprise of all, relaxed. After a few strokes of land, the farmer finally looked down the well and was surprised at what he saw ... With each shovel of dirt, the donkey was doing something amazing ... It shook the ground and stepped up. While neighbors were throwing dirt on the animal, he shook and stepped up.

Soon everyone was amazed as the donkey reached the mouth of the well, stepped over the edge and trotted out ...

Life is going to shovel earth, all types of soil ... The trick to get out of the well is shake it off and step up. Each of our problems is a step up.

Remember ... Shake off and on!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

High Protein Causes Tear Stains

say many things as summarized in a brief formula: I agree with you!

say, take you, that is, you know, I know who you are. I know your qualities and defects. Be who you are. Took some time with you and after assaying all in the balance, I decided that despite your possible defects, but still smaller than your abilities, you choose among other possibilities.

say, take you, ie do not know who you are. So I have no pretensions. I spend my life with a complaint from the lips so you're not: if you had what your brother, if you were like most of our friends ....

I accept you as you are. I'm in love with you. I know that I can help you improve yourself and improve, and I know which aspects will be as difficult to change because they are habits that have made life, or because it is part of your education or because it is your character.

accept yourself is to accept your personal history, ie, your past, your present and your future. What may come. So many things in our lives can change. Change

people and circumstances change. Today you are this person. Tomorrow, you yourself, by the blows of life, can be someone else. The beatings are taking their toll on us, but when we agree, we do even with those bumps and bruises of life on the other hand we must do better.

changed physically. He is no longer the strong and robust young man you knew, but a man possibly unhealthy. And she was a beautiful woman, thin, delicate ... after twenty years of marriage, four children and normal diseases that have been scratching their original beauty, no longer has those features, perhaps, that you fell in love, but has broken through a new beauty, larger, since you accepted that you agree. This

accepted: with past, present and future. Change so much and we get more beauty but feel you need to know.

Consider that when we buy a glass table, we accept it as is, new and flawless, but we also accept that it can be scratched in the future. We could not buy anything if we were looking for a fool-proof material, simply does not exist.

changed not only physically but also psychologically: change our character, our way of reacting, our patience. If over the years we have been losing some qualities that graced us before: sympathy, optimism, fairness ... no reason to end a love. Love goes to there. Change

our tastes, our hobbies, our dreams, our skills. It is desirable that in life did not experience any change in us, but this is simply not reality.

I accept you, is going to sea with you, in the same boat. Remar you be shipwrecked with you if necessary, not to escape with a lifeguard, not least with the lifeguard! Is shared hopes, projects, fighting the same storms and enjoy together the dawn and sunset, sea.

I accept you, to make you happy. I promise that this will be my project. Try to reduce you want to its simplest expression, and you will see how much of that basically we have only this: I want to make you happy. That is true love.

many boyfriends say I love you I love you, and express many feelings. And what does it mean? Empty words when they're good and full happiness of others. How many girls married young and not thinking pacer someone happy, but who would make them happy! And therefore enter marriage with a selfish vision of happiness. Experience tells us that when we really are looking the other's happiness, the consequence-not necessarily immediately is your own happiness.

addition, the loved one look the same, so that love and the pursuit of happiness of others will be reciprocated.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Knitting Patterns Oversized Beanie

I accept you Be yourself I

I read that it is organizing a conference entitled "Be yourself." Surely the speakers and lecturers speak very eloquently about the authenticity and how much young people we need the experience of this virtue. But ... what really means to be yourself?
phrase Sounds like the movie, although some not very good. This maxim sounds hackneyed. Could be hit with a new ad to sell a drink, something like "be yourself, X-cola drinks." Be yourself but so discredited that has a deeper meaning than we imagine.
Not that some poor souls could handle as a narcotic in her conscience. Being yourself does not mean do as I please. "I do not work because that's me." Or change "work" for study, my duty, to pray, go beyond yourself. Being real means to fight I want to reach, not to conform to the cortedades that I have.
But beware! Also fashion scam. All manufacturers tell us we use your clothes to be ourselves. But who would have dared to go outside with their pants on the outside before it was fashionable? Or what passed in kilos girl love handles had been taught before "all they did? If somebody has to set the pace of how you have to dress, what to think or how you should talk to be in, not to say you are very real.
do not have to invent great things to be original, just that we can get what we have inside, because when you see two people are exactly alike? Even identical twins are often totally different from each another. Being yourself means not letting you drag. Be yourself means telling the truth - though sometimes it hurts - it means defending your rights and do not be afraid of embarrassment. That is to be yourself! And not the cuties that we sell on TV.
few centuries ago killed a man because he was himself. The king asked him to sign a document that was against his principles. There was no choice: he was beheaded. And did not shrink even when his own daughter begged him - with tears in their eyes - to desist from their intransigence. If that man had succumbed to the peer pressure of society, had ceased to be him and his principles for what we all agree thought today would not know his name. But over the years has not erased even the name of Sir Thomas More, better known as Sir Thomas More.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Miniature Schnauzer Won't Eat

Change to change the world

The Sufi says about himself:

a youth I was a revolutionary and my prayer was to say to God: "Lord, give me strength to change the world."

As I became an adult and I realized that I had spent half his life without being able to switch to a single soul, I transformed my prayer and began to say: "Lord, grant me the grace to transform those who enter contact me, if only my family and friends with that I am satisfied. "

Now I'm old and I have days I have begun to realize how stupid I was. My only prayer is:" Lord, grant me the grace to change myself " .

If I had prayed in this way from the beginning would not have wasted my life.

EVERYONE THINKS OF CHANGING TO MANKIND. Almost no one thinks of changing ITSELF.

Anthony de Mello
Taken their book "Song Bird"

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Smuckers On Line Store

Luis Variara, Salesian missionary

marked by Don Bosco

Luis Variara born in Viarigi Asti province on January 15, 1875 in a deeply Christian family. His father Peter had heard Don Bosco in 1856 when he went to town to preach a mission. Luis decided to take a Valdocco to continue their studies there. El Santo died four months later. But he learned that Louis was enough to make him a mark for life. When he finished high school, applied for Salesian. He entered the novitiate on August 17, 1891 .. The Salesian

Variara he studied philosophy at Valsalice, where he met Andrew Beltrami. He was impressed by the joy with which the sufferings faced Beltrami of their disease. Fr Unia In 1894, the famous missionary to the lepers in Agua de Dios, was to Valsalice to choose a cleric who could take care of young lepers.

The missionary - Agua de Dios

Variara Setting his sights on, among the other 188 that had the same intention, he said: "This is mine." Luis came to Agua de Dios on 6 August 1894. The mission had 2000 people, of which 800 were lepers. Priest among lepers

soon as he arrived, he became the life and soul of those who lived there, especially children. He organized a band, and happy life of people with surprise party. In 1895, Father Luis Unia died and left alone with the Father Crippa. In 1898 he was ordained a priest. He became a great spiritual leader.

The start of a religious institute

In 1905 finished building the Kindergarten "Unia Father," a place where you could hold up to 150 orphans and lepers, and to ensure that they could learn something they earn a living and help in future place in society. Agua de Dios in the Sisters of Providence had created the Association of the Daughters of Mary, a group of about 200 girls. He was her confessor. Identified some in the group who were called to religious life.

Daughters Sacred Heart ...

Thus was born a courageous project, something unique in the Church as an institute to be allowed to accept the entry of those who had leprosy. Inspired by the spirituality of Father Beltrami, developed the Salesian charism of sacrifice and founded the Congregation of Daughters of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary, "which now has 600 women religious.

A man of complete obedience

suffered much at the time of the foundation's lack of understanding of people and some superiors who often thought he should be removed from Agua de Dios. Like Don Bosco, was an example of obedience. Even faced slander said nothing. Was credible because he was obedient. Don Rua waved to him from Turin.

Death - Far from Agua de Dios, but about God

died far from his beloved lepers, rule of obedience. Water now rests in God, in the chapel where the sisters. John Paul II beatified him on April 14, 2002.

Declared Venerable on April 2, 1993 and beatified on April 14, 2002 by John Paul II